
The following disclaimer outlines important information regarding Sigma Pepe Token ($SPEPE) and its associated project. It is essential to read and understand the disclaimer in its entirety before engaging with Sigma Pepe Token or participating in any activities related to it.

  1. Not Financial Advice: The information provided in this document, including the white paper, should not be considered as financial advice, investment advice, or any form of recommendation. It is for informational purposes only. Decisions made based on this information are solely at the user's discretion, and they bear full responsibility for their actions.

  2. Risks and Volatility: Cryptocurrency investments carry inherent risks, including but not limited to market volatility, regulatory changes, technological risks, and potential loss of investment. The value of Sigma Pepe Token and other cryptocurrencies can fluctuate significantly and rapidly, resulting in potential financial losses.

  3. Due Diligence: Users and potential investors should conduct thorough research and analysis before engaging with Sigma Pepe Token. This includes reviewing the project's white paper, examining the associated risks, and assessing personal risk tolerance. It is crucial to understand the underlying technology, tokenomics, and market conditions before making any investment decisions.

  4. Regulatory Compliance: Cryptocurrency investments and related activities may be subject to legal and regulatory requirements in different jurisdictions. Users must comply with applicable laws and regulations within their jurisdiction and ensure that their participation in Sigma Pepe Token is lawful.

  5. Security and Scams: While efforts have been made to ensure the security of Sigma Pepe Token, the cryptocurrency ecosystem is not immune to risks, including scams, phishing attacks, and hacking attempts. Users should exercise caution when interacting with the token, its smart contracts, websites, social media channels, and any other platforms associated with Sigma Pepe Token. It is recommended to verify the authenticity of information and exercise good cybersecurity practices.

  6. No Guarantees: Sigma Pepe Token makes no guarantees regarding the future performance, value, or success of the project. Market conditions and various factors can impact the outcomes, and there is no assurance of profitability or achievement of specific goals outlined in the project's roadmap.

  7. Personal Responsibility: Users are solely responsible for their decisions, actions, and any consequences that may arise from their engagement with Sigma Pepe Token. The project team, developers, contributors, and associated parties shall not be held liable for any losses, damages, or liabilities incurred.

By engaging with Sigma Pepe Token, users acknowledge and accept the risks involved in the cryptocurrency market and agree to hold harmless the project team, developers, contributors, and associated parties from any claims, losses, damages, or liabilities.

It is recommended to seek professional advice from financial and legal experts before making any investment decisions or engaging with Sigma Pepe Token.

Last updated